供应铝格栅方通 波浪弧形铝格栅
- 品牌:宏铝方通
- 规格:按要求加工
- 材质:铝合金
- 产地:广州
- 产品形状:波浪形 弧形 平板 定制
- 工艺:可冲孔,折弯,焊接,组合等。
- 功能:通风防火、耐腐蚀、美观、环保.
- 用途:建筑装饰、墙面装饰、天花吊顶、商场超市、会场,展览馆,影剧院
- 更新时间:2025-03-15
黄海生 先生(项目经理)
- 举报
Aluminum square tube, aluminum square tube is evolved from the grille ceiling to product, before there is a very big market grille smallpox smallpox, because the structure is simple, moreover, ventilation performance is high, moreover, because the grille smallpox can spell woven together, so long
Without restriction, however, because the grille ceiling is horizontal and vertical cross installed, so the use of the number of products will be more, but this time, aluminum Fangtong research and development out, buckle type suspended ceiling aluminum square tube is a single direction of the card, the product size ten
Division is flexible, and can use the installation space of different installation get unique decoration effect. At the same time, you can also use the aluminum side different size or color combination through the installation, by installing a simple way, so that the whole design scheme of the unique wind
Grid, shine.
弧形铝格栅可以通过一个连续滚压或冷弯成型,安装工程结构为龙骨卡扣式结构,安装方式方法具有类似普通的条形扣板,简单方便,适用于室内设计装饰。型材U型铝方通特征铝通风挤出成型,产品硬度、直线度远大于其他产品,安装结构采用上主骨、螺杆与特制构件和型材锤片连接,防风性强,适用于室外装饰(龙骨间距可任意调整)。 一个特殊的铝制方形可以画成弧形,弧形铝格栅的外观为设计师提供了更广阔的空间,为创意创造了更、更美丽的作品